Bringing skin health and confidence to the world
Welcome to the SKIN BOX!
We are so excited to finally launch The Skin Box! It was a dream of ours for a long time and finally, it’s here! This was an idea we had before the lockdown to help more people get help with their skin. With a focus on the facial skin. In this day and age there should be no reason why people can’t have healthy skin they feel confident about! Fiona an award-winning skin specialist with a clinic (The Skinologist) based in Chester came up with the concept.
What spurred us on to get this out sooner was a client Fiona had in the clinic who had destroyed the skin on her face, literally! By using an incorrect and nonsterile derma-roller she created deep and open holes in her skin that got infected creating red and angry skin. This simply shouldn’t happen especially to people who are already desperate to fix their skin. If you are interested to know more about our founders, their backstory, and what drove them to launch The Skin Box check out our story.
what is the SKIN BOX?
There are only so many clients that Fiona can physically see and they need to be within a commutable distance of Chester. There are so many more people who needed help. With all the years of experience Fiona has in the skin industry and the multiple awards she won, she wanted to do more. We tried to figure out the best way we could help as many people with their skin as possible. We know there will be lots of people with skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, prematurely aging skin, pigmentation, acne and acne scars, and perhaps thread veins.
So we have set out a simple format to help as many people with their skin as possible! No matter what you budget or lifestyle.
THree steps to healthier happier skin
Knowing how your skin works, what it needs, how to keep it healthy, and what can harm it we think should be a basic human right. So we have made some guides and offer them out for free.
There is also so much disinformation out there about skin! Some individuals and companies prey on people’s insecurities or worse their genuine skin conditions. Leading to things like hiding at home, depression, and anxiety. Nobody should be made to feel that way about their skin!
Check out our free skin guides. We are building up a bank of skin guides starting with the main skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, prematurely ageing skin, pigmentation, acne and acne scars, and thread veins.
Perhaps you don’t know what you have. Maybe you have red skin and are not sure if you have eczema or rosacea. Take a look at our free skin guides section for more information or you can take our skin quiz to figure out which guides could help you.
PERSONAL Skin plan
Once you have read the skin guides and got a deeper understanding of your skin. What next? This is where we need to start getting a bit more technical with you.
There are many skin types, personal circumstances, medications, and lots of other factors that can affect your skin. So for this step, we need a deeper understanding of you and your skin.
This means taking an online assessment that will factor in everything that can affect your skin, address any general skin concerns, and then generate a specifically tailored skin plan just for you.
This skin plan will also provide you with:
• Routine daily/weekly to follow day and night.
• Skincare and makeup decluttering process.
• Expert guidance to make informed skincare and makeup purchases.
•Lifestyle guidance covering: diet, wellbeing, mindfulness, and exercise.
the skin box
The ultimate solution for your skin. A completely unique and tailored plan to your skin and its needs.
Once you have completed our in-depth survey of your skin you will be invited to a one-to-one online skin consultation. We will review the results, talk about your skin goals and decide on a plan.
A specialised Skin box will be created for you. Tailored to you, your lifestyle, skin condition and any other life factors.
Once your Skin Box is delivered you can start your journey to healthy and confident skin! The Skin Box will contain enough products and treatments for three months.
You will follow a personalised plan to you and with the right products, delivered in the right way over time you will see long-lasting improvements in your skin.
the skin guide quiz
the skin plan assessment
The SKin Box survey
why chose the skin box?
everyone deserves to feel good about their skin!
What spurred us on to get this out sooner was a client Fiona had in the clinic who had destroyed the skin on her face, literally! By using an incorrect and nonsterile derma-roller she created deep and open holes in her skin that got infected creating red and angry skin. She needed antibiotics from her GP! The client had reached the point they were willing to try anything and an influencer posted a video about how amazing this roller was and there was a “link in the bio”.
This simply shouldn’t happen especially to people who are already desperate to fix their skin. We keep hearing more of these kinds of stories and decided that we needed to do something! If you are interested to know more about the founders, their story, and what drove them to launch The Skin Box check out our story.
Our resident skin guru Fiona (The Skinologist) is a multi-award-winning skin expert with over 20 years of experience. It is not possible to get access to someone of this calibre especially giving away free advice usually. Specialising in face and neck skin the skills Fiona possess has won her multiple awards which you can see on her social media and also her LinkedIn profile.
convenience of your own home
All aspects of The Skin Box can be completed in your own time, at your own pace in the comfort of your own home. This is ideal for people with busy schedules and hectic lives!
Save your hard earned money
The Skin guides written by her are absolutely free with no ties or hidden costs. The personal skin plan would cost much more compared to a consultation and for clients, she works with in her clinic comparable Skin transformation plans start from £1,500. Access like this is usually just for a select few with money. But we wanted to make this more accessible to everyone.